As blog readers might have noticed in video about approach to path from text requirements to Note Web DSL, LLM used in the video was the same as of ChatGPT (free account at the time of writing).
Why not use the same technology to showcase recent feature gains by Note Web DSL?
This seemed like a cool idea for a new video scenario. So stay tuned for a new screencast where LLM would generate a Note Web DSL code to solve an AWS Architecting problem, that the same LLM has formulated previously.
I'd use this opportunity to demo the following news in Note Web DSL version 9.35 in a cloud solution generated completely by Note Web DSL code:
LLM would be prompted to generate a typical problem for a few microservices with storage in SQL and NoSQL containers. Some of the microservices should require search by advanced criteria in its data, metrics. One microservice should be API-only, others should offer frontends to Create-Read-Update-Delete their data. Obviously, API access, be it direct or via a frontend, should be authenticated. I'd tweak problem generation prompt so that yields requirements to produce Note Web DSL like the one below:
context "TaxiFleetManagement" runat "DriverProfileUI" repo "mono-repo-mapped-to-note"
# UI
dashboard "DriverProfilesDashboard"
web note "DriverProfileForm" aspect "Form" ref "DriverCRUD"
web note "RepairShop" aspect "Form" ref "RepairShopCRUD"
cloud "TaxiFleetManagementAccount" type "AWS"
auth "TaxiFleetManagementUserPool"
role "fm-request-processor"
search engine "NWDemos-AppData-Logs"
load balancer "TripsRepairsLB"
# storage
resource "TaxiFleetDynamodDBTables" type "dynamodb"
entity "Repair"
field "repairDate" type "date"
field "licensePlate" type "varchar(15)"
field "technician" type "varchar(50)"
database instance "DriverProfile" type "mysql"
entity "Driver"
field "id" type "int;id;auto"
field "firstName" type "varchar(50)"
entity "Vehicle"
field "id" type "int;id;auto"
field "licensePlate" type "varchar(50)"
database instance "Routing" type "mysql"
entity "Trip"
field "id" type "int;id;auto"
field "start" type "date"
field "finish" type "date"
# request processors
lambda "RepairCRUD" template "CRUD-index-python" ref "Repair" index "" logs "NWDemos-AppData-Logs" role "nextub-request-processor"
lambda "VehicleCRUD" template "CRUD" ref "Vehicle" role "nextub-request-processor"
container service "RepairShopCRUD" template "CRUD" role "nextub-request-processor" registerlb "TripsRepairsLB"
kubernetes service "TripsCRUD" template "CRUD" role "nextub-request-processor" registerlb "TripsRepairsLB"
# api and front end enablement
api gateway "DriverProfileAPI" auth "TaxiFleetManagementUsers"
ref "DriverCRUD" url "driver"
ref "VehicleCRUD" url "vehicle"
ref "TripsRepairsLB" url "trips"
cdn "DriverProfileUI" registerdns ""
ref "DriverProfileBucket" path "" url "nw-ui"
ref "DriverProfileAPI" path "production" url "api"
bucket "DriverProfileBucket"
Note In Web, Inc. continues its pursuit for funding to accelerate reaching its feature coverage goals as outlined in promo video a year ago. Then the company will focus on reaching its market and growing operations. Social networks would become an important tool in that phase and once Note Web product becomes sufficient and robust. Meanwhile, you're welcome to email ideas for new Note Web DSL challenges and opportunities to