NoteWeb offers packages of frequently used functionality that you can combine to handle your most typical cases in a standard that you define effortlessly, while taking notes. Herein "effortlessly" means tagging your content in UI. List of frequently used functionality supported by NoteWeb includes simple things like forms, file attachments, diagrams, chats, dashboards, scientific notebooks, but also more specific gears like Apache Spark workloads, business rules and processes, cloud accounts.
As often the case with effortless changes and automation, a week or more of active NoteWeb use might raise a question of governance, once you start analysing how and what content is created. The latter can be approached from different perspectives. Bottom-up implies audits, alerts, metrics monitoring, logging, etc. Top-bottom means some kind of blueprint for each solution, that solution components adhere to at design- and at run-time.
NoteWeb offered tools to define such blueprints from its first versions years ago - diagrams, mindmaps and so on. Though NoteWeb's DL4j personalized network started suggesting tags for your updated content in 2017Q2, it still does not jump above average industry level on NLU and image recognition tasks. While tools like GPT-3 or OPT-175B can already cause different illusions also with tech savvy folks, NoteWeb still strives to offer business value, when you unleash NLP onto your content and configurations stored therein.
This situation means, in plain words, that whatever you use to define your blueprint - diagrams, plain text or ad-hoc content models, it is still up to another human or yourself to translate the design into programming artifacts and validate those artifacts for purpose suitability. That's unless you know and follow a set of rules - some strict, some laxer for your blueprint, like UML (or any other model-driven engineering notation), higher level programming language syntax or a DSL, to make the blueprint. This article is about how NoteWeb supports the latter approach, once again, while you take your notes.
Most points from the previous section are well known. So while NLU muscle builds up, NoteWeb suggests to make blueprints out of your plain text notes. Those of you with experience of a Solution Delivery Manager, an Architect, Developer, DevOps or QA, might remember colleagues who constantly type something on requirements elicitation sessions. I'm such a guy. Here is how to start a journey to a system solution blueprint, yet while gathering the requirements for it. The idea is very simple:
For each entity that represents a cloud resource, a service, etc prepend keywords identifying resource type:
This article refers to earlier version of noteweb-paas-dsl-service with an interim code snapshot developed by the author and published just for this article at:
context "NoteWeb" cloud "NoteWebInAWS" type "AWS" resource "notesDatabase" type "mysql" url "..." relational table "notes" from "notesDatabase" relational table "tags" from "notesDatabase" resource "auditDatabase" type "dynamodb" url "..." document table "audit" from "auditDatabase" bucket "attachments" user "NoteWebSystem" vpc "NoteWeb" vm "NoteWebSearch" type "" image "arn:...::" container "NoteWebPython" image "arn:...::" kubernetes service "NoteWebWildfly" image "arn:...::" app service "NoteWebNode" image "arn:...::" port 80 lambda "DirectAttachmentUpload" image "arn:...::" queue "audit" type "sqs" queue "events" type "sns" operation "init" read input tenant switch: tenant == "" -> call service NoteWebWildfly "configChecks()" into "instanceConfig" call service NoteWebWildfly "notifyNoteWebUser($instanceConfig)" exit otherwise -> read input language, country, admin_email call service NoteWebWildfly "setupDefaultTenant($tenant, $country, $language, $admin_email)" call service NoteWebWildfly "configChecks()" into "instanceConfig" switch: admin_email == "" -> call service NoteWebWildfly "notifyNoteWebUser('New NoteWeb installation's default tenant: ', $instanceConfig)" exit otherwise -> call service NoteWebWildfly "sendEmail($admin_email, 'New NoteWeb tenant setup: ', $instanceConfig)" exit
This blueprint is in the DSL and conforms to approach outlined above. Lines highlighted in bold correspond to the code snapshot accompanying this article. This blueprint defines about a tenth of containers and resources used by NoteWeb deployment at and is purely illustrative.
This first code snapshot introduces:
Code snapshot provided supports a grammar approximately defined in the following BNF-snippet.
<block> ::= (<contextStatement> | <statement>)+
<contextStatement> ::= "cloud" INDENT (cloudStatement)+
<cloudStatement> ::= "user"
| "bucket" <string literal>
| "vpc" <stringLiteral> INDENT (<vpcContent>)+ DEDENT
| "resource" <string literal> "type" <string literal> "url" <string literal> INDENT (<resourceContent>)+ DEDENT
| "container" <string literal> "image" <string literal>
| "kubernetes service" <string literal> "image" <string literal>
| "app service" <string literal> "image" <string literal>
| "lambda" <string literal> "image" <string literal>
| "queue" <string literal>
<vpcContent> ::= "vm" <string literal> "type" <string literal> "image" <string literal>
| "load balancer" <string literal>
<resourceContent> ::= "relational table" <string literal>
| "document table" <string literal>
<statement> ::= "exit"
| "read input" (<identifier> ",")* <identifier>
| "call service" <identifier> "with" <stringLiteral> ("into" <identifier>|<string literal>)
| "switch" ":" INDENT (<ifThen>)+ [otherwiseThen] DEDENT
<ifThen> ::= <condition> "->" INDENT <block> DEDENT
<otherwiseThen> ::= "otherwise" "->" INDENT <block> DEDENT
<condition> ::= <identifier> "==" <stringLiteral>
Subsequent articles provide later code base snapshots and walk through the following topics:
There is more material to cover, but agenda'd follow the interest from the market.